Round up heaven's drunk ones booze grips the lungs we are a battle raging forward at the sun This skull is empty love has left me here unsung release the wolves before the town's rats overcome Heaven's a bastard place watching nurses piss on open graves warriors rise from their tombs will they save our fortune Lead the pigs and creatures onward doves peck at the wounded save room for the dead It's time for the living to march on till the end We are the ones who wanted more than this wretched life to die and live among the perfect and the right I just can't breathe without a drop of the finest wine in this perfect life Tattoo the crotch of the heavenly father young blood you've got the best of me The angels failed to mention the price you're gonna have to pay pawning dreams of our mouths around the virgin All my dreams are broken wrapped in sequences. Humanity All my devastation bare the consequence. Humanity All my complications lead to consequence. Humanity We gave it to our fathers for a second chance to live for free To live for free The grotesque