One cold and starry night, in Bethlehem A child was born, a child was born Two simple people cried in pride and joy A child was born, a baby boy How could they know? How could they see? That little child would grow, someday to be The Prince (joy to the World) of Peace Oh (joy to the World) Oh (joy to the World) The road to Damascus was crowded that night With chariots, camels, Arabian stallions and caravans Look! Silks, swords, flowers and spices, jewels and chains Flights of angels, singing of hope and joy, the city of David A Savior, a baby boy, was born that night to return again For peace on earth and good will to all men! To all men The Prince of Peace The Prince of Peace Two simple people cried in pride and joy A child was born, a baby boy How could they know? How could they see? That little child would grow, someday to be The Prince (joy to the World) of Peace Oh (joy to the World) Oh (joy to the World) The Prince of Peace The Prince of Peace