I will invoke My ability to not exist, these riches are poison, Says the melody let your crooked parts embrace the earth. My retinas have been peeled open. To move forward you must look back. An empty corpse, an empty promise the days stress this smoking gun bursts through my chest. the only beauty is none conformity. Fear leaders to silence - excess leads to death. Existence, is blinded by sound is deafened by bright lights. You point out all the ills within man, but never point within yourself. Your only concern is looking good on paper. Life is not a gift It's a curse. I'll drink my soul to death, to purge this discontent. Before it kills me. I don't believe in religious idols. I've placed my faith in humanity. So pay your dues And make amends You owe us this in your blood Or I will carve you up. Forfeit, pick up sin and golden calf Forfeit, pick up sin and golden calf Forfeit, pick up sin and golden calf Forfeit, pick up sin and golden calf Forfeit, pick up sin and golden calf