Hack away the unessential Giants, have revealed our true selves. Checkerboard mistresses Is this what you always wanted? Phallic blades for a new death washing away our clones. Addressing the ones that already know. I'm breaking out of this place With an unwavered pressure and a world of time. I've lost patience This stories departure Soft clear cuts, self-loathing will win Crimson tumor, an abandoned dark seeded day. You'll be hopeless. The inevitable. This is a glimpse of what you've become This is a glimpse of what you've become A blessing to puncture a lung This is your war. End of silent day Just give her a moment to ruin your night- mare's scorching I'm losing control. Absent respect I'd rather be alone. You wouldn't want to understand I'm locked inside a cavity. I Just can't sit back. The writings are encrypted, bone yards for the thirsty. The more you try to forget The more it seems to appear The more you try to forget The more it seems to appear. Fractured the earth, with shark fins and dark clouds. Oh the rain has never been, so acidic. Like fists pressed along, batteries raised From the last season. But not forgotten Now foaming at the mouth, These painless substances. Shriek down hallways From wall to wall, till it's on the tip of every tongue.