I'm nearly 51 and think I've lost it, I had it just a month or two ago It was there the last time it was wanted, but I just don't seem to have it anymore (Ch) This is a problem and it's bothering me, I know the answer and it starts with a "V" I don't know if I'm sad or if I'm happy, it was a regular nuisance at times A guaranteed arouser, a bulge unsightly in my trousers A real triumph of matter over mind (Ch) It would distract me when it was most awkward, intruding with the signals which it sends On the street or on a train, in a meeting,in a plane And even inconvenience this false friend (Ch) I didn't use it often when it was there, on the other hand I miss it now its gone Perhaps I should have done more when I had it, so I thought I'd better warn you in this song (Ch) I always knew to use it or to lose it, but didn't really think that this meant me There's a ready answer to this problem, but why do all solutions start with "V"? (Ch) Victory Vs and Valium, Valderma,Vosene, Vick, Virol, Venos - got them all at home Can't continue to ignore it, I know there's nothing for it I'll have to buy another Vodaphone (Ch)