By the beach, so far from home,
Out of reach, and all alone,
I repeat: I told you all I know,
I miss my home, so let me go.

In a cage another day…
Years crawl past and palm trees sway.
Pummeled by men and hurricanes,
I'm weighed with woe, so let me go, Guantanamo. Guantanamo.

Ay, Pedro. ?Tu sabes que los gringos tienen prisioneros al mundo entero dentro de esta carcel enorme? Solo hay que escuchar los gritos lamentables saliendo dia y noche para saber que ellos estan siendo torturados. Lo que passa dentro parece peor de lo que Fidel hace con los maricas.

I feel pain, restrained by chains, barbed wire, and cement.
The only thing left close to me is the scent of excrement.

They say no one leaves alive.
Forgive me, Allah, if I try
Escape through a door named suicide.
You stole my hope. Oh, let me go, Guantanamo. Guantanamo.

I feel pain, restrained by chains, barbed wire, and cement.
Who has sown the sour seed of evil deeds from best intent?

Lo que passa dentro parece peor de lo que Fidel hace con los maricas.

Guantanamo. Guantanamo. Guantanamo. Guantanamo.