John Newton

How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds

John Newton

Tom: Eb

     Eb   Eb/G  Ab  Eb/G  Bb/D   Bb   Eb
How sweet  the Name  of    Je - sus sounds
   Ab  Eb/G  Bb7/F   Eb   Bb
In  a   be - liev - er's ear!
Eb Eb7/Db   Ab/C   Eb/Bb  Ab   Eb/G  Fsus  Bb7  Cm
It         soothes  his  sor - rows, heals his wounds,
     Eb/G  Fm/Ab  Eb/Bb  Bb  Eb
And drives   a  -  way  his fear.

[Verse 2]
     Eb  Eb/G   Ab   Eb/G  Bb/D   Bb   Eb
It makes the   woun - ded   spi - rit whole,
     Ab   Eb/G  Bb7/F   Eb   Bb
And calms the   trou - bled breast;
Eb Eb7/Db  Ab/C  Eb/Bb  Ab  Eb/G Fsus   Bb7  Cm
'Tis        man - na    to   the hung - ry  soul,
    Eb/G  Fm/Ab  Eb/Bb  Bb  Eb
And  to    the    wear - y rest.

[Verse 3]
      Eb   Eb/G Ab   Eb/G  Bb/D  Bb  Eb
Dear Name! the  Rock  on   which I build,
     Ab   Eb/G  Bb7/F   Eb   Bb
My Shield  and    hi - ding place,
Eb Eb7/Db  Ab/C  Eb/Bb  Ab   Eb/G  Fsus    Bb7  Cm
My          ne - ver - fail - ing  Treas - ury filled
     Eb/G    Fm/Ab  Eb/Bb  Bb  Eb
With bound - less   stores of grace;

[Verse 4]
   Eb  Eb/G  Ab Eb/G  Bb/D   Bb     Eb
Jesus,  my  Shepherd, Brot - her, Friend,
    Ab   Eb/G  Bb7/F   Eb   Bb
My Prop - het, Priest, and King,
Eb Eb7/Db  Ab/C  Eb/Bb  Ab   Eb/G  Fsus  Bb7  Cm
My         Lord,   my  Life,  my   Way,  my  End,
     Eb/G  Fm/Ab  Eb/Bb  Bb  Eb
Ac - cept   the   praise I bring.

[Verse 5]
     Eb  Eb/G Ab   Eb/G  Bb/D  Bb  Eb
Weak is  the  ef - fort   of   my heart,
     Ab  Eb/G  Bb7/F  Eb    Bb
And cold  my   warm - est thought;
Eb Eb7/Db  Ab/C Eb/Bb  Ab   Eb/G Fsus  Bb7 Cm
But        when   I    see  thee  as  thou art,
     Eb/G  Fm/Ab  Eb/Bb  Bb  Eb
I'll praise thee    as   I ought.

[Verse 6]
     Eb   Eb/G  Ab   Eb/G  Bb/D  Bb  Eb
Till then  I   would thy  love  proclaim
      Ab  Eb/G  Bb7/F    Eb   Bb
With ev - 'ry   fleet - ing breath;
Eb Eb7/Db   Ab/C   Eb/Bb  Ab Eb/G  Fsus  Bb7  Cm
And         may     the  mu - sic   of   thy Name
     Eb/G  Fm/Ab  Eb/Bb  Bb  Eb
Re - fresh  my     soul  in death.

Ab  Eb
A - MEN.