The boat for the Bailey’s leaves just on time Silver and indigo fisherman’s lines The scent from the quarter always in the air Mint tea and majoon, wish I was there Back in Marseilles wish I was there Smooth of the slipper as you move through the souk Smooth feel of your feet as you slide through the souk Slide of your slipper as you move through the souk I'm going back, oh back to Marseilles Down by the harbour Same old danger, same old jive Hoping for my fishermen are going to come home alive Down by the harbour Life is calling me back That’s what I am watching all the time Take me back to Marseilles Take me back to Marseilles Never disgraceful of speaking in tongues Nothing to seek for no right in no wrongs Face of the women look so discreet Gaze averted so sweet Back in Marseilles, oh I'm back to Marseilles Down by the same harbour Same danger, same jive Waiting for my fishermen to come home alive Back to Marseilles Take me back to Marseilles Bring ’em back, bring ’em back alive Bring ’em back, bring ’em back alive The boat from the Bailey’s docks just in time Silver and indigo still on the line Feel of the moonshine, change in your life Nothing like a fine, fine line Back in Marseilles Take me back to Marseilles Take me back, take me