Tom: F standard tuning capo 1 (notes in relation to capo) the blues line is not quite standard 12 bar blues, the lyrics are, just not the music. INTRO e|----------------------| B|o--------------------o| G|----------------------| Repeat 3x D|o--------------------o| A|----------2-2-4-2-4---| E|--0-0-4-4-------------| 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + a e|-----------------------|---------------| B|-----------------------|---------------| G|-----------------------|---------------| D|----------4-(4)/642--|--2-2-2/42-------| A|-----------------------|---------------| E|--0-0-4-4--------------|---------------| 1 + 2 + 3 4 + 1 2 + 3 a 4 e|----------------------| B|o--------------------o| G|----------------------| Repeat x3 D|o--------------------o| A|----------2-2-4-2-4---| E|--0-0-4-4-------------| 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + a e|----------------------| B|----------------------| G|----------------------| *Tag* D|----------2-2-4-2-4---| A|--0-0-4-4-------------| E|----------------------| 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + a Verse# --see message at bottom e|----------------------| B|o--------------------o| G|----------------------| D|o--------------------o| A|----------2-2-4--4----| E|--0-0-4-4-------------| 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + Whiskey and Wimmin almost wrecked my life Whiskey and wimmin almost wrecked my life Werent for whiskey and wimmin, i have money today (play *Tag*) Nightlife Nightlife Nightlife aint no good aint no good for me I had a good start but wimmin and whiskey tore it down e|-- B|-- G|-- D|2- hit that note a couple of times inbetween the verse A|-- E|-- Whiskey and Wimmin aint no good for me Whiskey and wimmin aint no good aint no good for me I had a lot of money, and big fine car, but i lost everything i had aw i did during the end part here, hit e|--- B|--- G|-8- a cuple of times, some single note hits D|--- A|--- E|--- I had a lot of money at one time but nightlife, and whiskey wrecked my life. #to make it sound better, you could play it as a standard blues, 12 bar progression. The appears to be playing a regular blues underneath what the guitar does. The recording I is somewhat muddy in terms of that, but this is what it sounds like to me. | / slide up | slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note ===============================================================================