Storing information A need for our survival Every generation has to pass it on And a memory erasure Is an ever-present danger In a careless moment so much could be gone Time will tell If we learned our lesson well Will the truth survive unharmed Time will tell If the bridge stood firm or fell Connecting wisdom heart to heart At the changing of the guards Sending unmixed signals To the guardians of the future A priority we've often overlooked In an age when thoughts are scrambled In transmissions jammed and tangled What we tell them must be clear and understood Like soldiers that stand at the palace gates Soon our time is up, another takes our place What we leave to them is more than gold The treasure of our souls Words of the wise, words of God himself Stored in holy books, filling walls and shelves Not to be admired or merely read But to give life to the dead Guarding sacred treasure For the ones who will follow after In a world where nothing's sacred anymore Can we touch the mind and spirit Of a terminal generation Will they understand the worth of what we've stored