That crooked lawyer, that son-of-a-gun He took my woman and away they run She took my money and he took my car And left me stranded here behind these bars They're off having them swinging spree But I'm a-worried 'bout 'em swinging me Bars won't hold me but a little while If Mama don't forget the file Oh, Mama bake a sugar cake For your loving child Oh, ho ho ho, Mama bake a sugar cake For your poor imprisoned child Mama bake a sugar cake Oh, but Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama, Mama Oh please Mama, don't forget the file! That crooked lawyer, that son-of-a-gun He said I had the case all but won My baby said she'd testify for me That I was innocent as I could be And when she got up on the witness stand She told the judge that I was the guilty man And hand in hand they left the trial Oh, Mama don't forget the file!