an x-film extra's extra i exit when i'm ex'd i get it in the neck i get my check but i don't get what comes next I got my break in the 'frisco quake clarke gable got the lead they said 'make like a piece of steak... lay on that plate and bleed' swine herds and hunch backs led to bigger things i was ponchas pilot's punch bag you remember king of king's understudy studies scripts and stunt men dice with doom you found me in a gothic crypt or in some squalid room where clint eastwood kicks my teeth in several times a day i'm the best dead body in the business i don't have much to say except... aaahhh, ooohhh, ahh, ohh, uhh, ahh, uhhh and ohh, ahh, nhhh, ahh ohh and thank you lord what can you say on the end of a sword you just run out of breath i carried seven ceasars around seven cities of gold i was the one who didn't whip Jesus in the greatest story ever told fake snakes, mock crocks and killers cut my throat that's me in the pine box i know all about boats i was on the titanic i did what was required and i was the first to panic on the day the earth caught fire hacksaw blades and hand grenades dum dum bullets and darts when pagans raid the stockade i get mangled by their carts i fall from trains and torture dames just to keep in trim I get slain on memory lane and the people say 'oh it's him' it was in this third rate thriller i actually got to talk saying 'look... the killer gorillas, they're eating up New York' i ride this phony pony in a place a bit like the world in the eyes of adults only i never get the girl tarantulas invade my bed ohh it's wonderful i'm a talking head... full of lead blublblublblublblublblub i scream all the way to the chair i scream in the face of tanks i take the stairway to the stairs and i scream all the way to the banks photogenic passion impales me on it's knife hero's made from fashion but dying's a job for life