Coyote goes to the top of the hill Doin’ the things the coyote’s will Staring at the sky, at the moon You know he starts to howl Coyote goes to the mountain top Looks over down at the river, says "what a drop" No tame dogs is gonna take my bone Coyote at the top of the hill Doin’ the things the coyote’s will You gotta cast the first stone Cast the first stone Jackal goes to the top of the hill Doin’ the things that jackal’s will Staring at the moon You know he starts to howl Wild dog up on mountain top Blood in his jaws, the bone, he drops No tame dogs is ever Ever gonna take my bone Jackal up on the top of the hill Doin’ the things that jackal’s will Cast the first stone Cast the first stone Coyote on top of the hill Ooohhh, doin’ the things the coyote’s will Staring at the sky, looks at the moon He starts to howl Coyote up on the mountain top Blood in his jaws, the bone, he drops Says no tame dogs is ever Ever gonna take this bone Coyote up on the mountain top Says "what a drop" You gotta cast the first stone Cast the first stone Cast the first stone You gotta cast the first stone