Tom: Bb Ok, my first attempt at a guitar tab (please go easy on me lol) Just a little tip; when tuning to open C start at D and drop it down one whole step, then A you tune down one step, and then E down two steps, then tune B up half a step. I'd Advise Pretty Heavy Strings (i use 12 guage) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: Double Basser Email: * Tuning: CGCGCE (capo on four) (all relative to capo) Intro and chorus e|----------------| C|----------------| G|----------------| C|----------------| G|0---5-3p0-------| C|0---------33-55-| Variation e|--------------------------------| C|--------------------------------| G|--------------------------------| C|--------------------------------| G|0---5-3p0-------3-5--5-3p0------| C|0---------33-55------------33-55| Verse e|------------| C|0--0--3--5--| G|0--0--3--5--| C|0--0--3--5--| G|------------| C|------------| Bridge e|----------------------------------------------| C|----------------------------------------------| G|----------------------------------------------| C|----------------------------------------------| G|----------------------------------------------| C|0-0-0-0-00-3-3-3-3-33-0-0-0-0-3-3-3-3-5-5-5-5-| Verse | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note ===============================================================================