Tom: F hey i had to sing this song for my that i'm leaving it i feel obligated to tab the song you play each note with a syllable, the tab and the words dont line up |--------------------------------10----| |-9-----9------------9-11-12-8-9----10-| |---8-8---10-10-10---------------------| |--------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------| |--------------------------------------| play twice |------------10----------| |-8-10-11-11----10-12-12-| |------------------------| |------------------------| |------------------------| |------------------------| play twice |-------10------------| |-9-7-5----11-9--9-10-| |---------------------| |---------------------| |---------------------| |---------------------| play twice here are the lyrics, or at least the ones we did at my school after the NLE gaudeamus igitur, iuvenes dum sumus gaudeamus igitur, iuvenes dum sumus post incundam iuventutem post molestam senectutem nos habebit humus, nos habebit humus vivat academia, vivant professores vivat academia, vivant professores vivat membrum quod libet vivant membra quae libet semper sint in flore, semper sint in flore Alma mater floreat, quae nos educavit alma mater floreat, quae nos educavit carros et commillitones disitas in regiones sparsos congregavit, sparsos congregavit *