Joey + Rory

Your Man Love You Honey

Joey + Rory

Had my golf clubs on my shoulder
When you saw me first today
And my old army sweater
That you thought you threw away
And when you saw me standin'
There you shook your head and sighed
When you saw I bought a six pack
I thought you were gonna cry

Your man loves you, honey
I don't know what else to say
Your man loves you, honey
But you can't change my ways

Now before you say you're angry you remember what I did
Went to church with you last Sunday
Took your mama and the kids
Sit right up and heard the preachin'
Even wore my Christmas tie
I'm not much on organ music
Five stringed banjo's more my style

Your man loves you, honey
I don't know what else to say
Your man loves you, honey
But you can't change my ways

Oh you should've had a knight in armor
And a castle fate
Not some restless cowboy faded jeans
And shaggy head
I can't make it big without
And you know that it's true
Keep me around for last
And I've been good for one or two

Your man loves you, honey
I don't know what else to say
Your man loves you, honey
But you can't change my ways