Joe Turley

35 Cents

Joe Turley

All alone in this cold phone booth 
Rain is drizzlin' down 
Enough to give anybody the blues 
When one thin dime can't be found 
I ain't got a calling card and I swore I'd never call collect 
My pride is wounded … car's broke down 
And I'm a nervous wreck 

Chorus  35 cents … I've got a quarter … somebody loan me a dime 
35 cents … I got a quarter … somebody help me 
Got to get my baby on the line 

Even the moon is hidin' out 
On this dangerous side of the tracks 
I've searched in every pocket twice 
Checked between the cracks 
I don't see a change machine for the $20 bill in my shoe 
Did I just hear somebody scream … 
What's a poor boy to do 


35 Cents