Fuck this bull shit spit flat beer back Rock star dumb luck sick joke clap trap Damn thin shoe lace yank spit jerk snap Bomb kike scam bank tear down dead flag I got a right to bite the hand That feeds the greed that pays the band I got a right to fight the man That takes the cake that feeds the clan (I don't like the way you look at me You don't like what I do in bed Maybe I should get some deputies And come and break your fucking head Oh no no that won't do at all) Ignorance is a kind of bliss A smack in the mouth is a kind of kiss (methinks I doth protest too much And no matter what the people say I'm gonna have to get in touch With my inner adult someday La la la la la la di dah) Suck this dick head fuck that lite crap Kiss kiss puke hate rack suit riff raff Bash slut mash butt beat that spic brat Stab dyke snap neck kill punk scum bags I got a right to light the flame That fries the guys that take the blame I got a right to bite the hand That feeds the greed that pays the band