Job For A Cowboy

Eating The Visions Of God

Job For A Cowboy

I am staring at the sun of nothing
For I want to eat the visions of God
Consuming the knowledge and power
That radiates overhead

I am staring at the sun of nothing
For I want to eat the visions of God
Consuming the knowledge and power
That radiates overhead

As I slumber in a bed of vegetation and thorns
Leaving behind unease and dread
I feed from pretentious notions
And maligant demons through its rays

For hell is abandoned
And this single horror
Walks amongst our ongoing cliches
My eyes, my perception
They seem to smolder and withen

For it seems that I have peered
Into the diseased display of myself
I am the eater of the sun
I am the destroyer of worlds

I am the eater of the sun
I am the destroyer of worlds
For hell is abandoned
And this single horror

Walks amongst our ongoing cliches
My eyes, my perception
They seem to smolder and withen

[Guitar solo]

For it seems that I have peered
Into the diseased display of myself
I am the eater of the sun
I am the destroyer of worlds

I am the eater of the sun
I am the destroyer of worlds

Eu estou encarando o sol do vazio
Pois eu quero devorar as visões de Deus
Consumindo o conhecimento e o poder que radiam acima
Enquanto eu durmo em uma cama de vegetação
E espinhos deixam o medo e o desconforto para trás

Eu me alimento de noções pretensiosas
E de demônios malignos através de seus raios
O inferno está abandonado e sozinho
O horror caminha entre nossos clichês contínuos

Meus olhos, minha percepção
Eles parecem arder e branquear
Parece que eu observei o interior
A doente exibição de mim mesmo
Eu sou o devorador do sol
Eu sou o destruidor dos mundos