Jimmy Luxury

Sweet apple pie

Jimmy Luxury

Well I got nice shoes 
and a heart of gold.
I never let the wining get out of control. 
When I'm boozing 
I takes my time. 
It ain't ya turn kid so wait in line. 
Yo! Kick that number that we did up
in Reno when we stepped on the stage 
in our shark skin chinos, 
nothing but c-notes getting played at the tables,
I knew the winning horses before they left the stables,
met a boogie woogie show girl named marla 
mable on our first date 
I bought her gold cable 
she was a winner a real fine dinner 
she could turn this old pro back into a beginner. 
She did a burlesque number made a brother 
wanna settle down, we'd get together ever summer when 
I's in town. She was a crazy dame with a lazy eye, 
her claim to fame was getting drunk and high. 
But her bedroom voice was killing me softly,
I started melting like a mister softy
but behind every skirt there's a scandal, 
so I pack a black colt with a pearl handle.
These friggin cold ass benches 
at the dog track are enough to give a guy a severe hemmrhoid jesus friggin christ attack
I spilt moxie over my favorite white farrah 
slacks wee small hours gaining on brockton's 
own neck and neck around 
the outside lap would you believe this crap?
lets mosie on back to my suburban palace and relax. 
Wo wo wo.
Sweet summer time cooling out on the breezeway 
in my back yard I got a great view of the i128 freeway
Let's retire into the den my friend
for some crackers and a couple of shafers. 
You know what really sucks about being short,
I gotta get all my suit pants tapered, 
I got this one great tan suit 
and from a distance they tell me it makes me look naked