Damn ignorance, to think that serious, Just as in my dreams, subtle candy and, And with your you quieros, tendria in my hands, Everything a harias world new and happy me Damn ignorance to enamor to me with you, And to think that to your side happy serious I, To believe in that your love was tenderness and passion, That with your you quieros, who this love is no dead, Alcanzaria I cielo Damn iganorancia to think that having, The heat of your body, habia found the love, And it fills to me of rage to know that was a game, Of weekend and soon adioooos Damn ignorance to enamor to me with you, And to think that to your side happy serious I, To believe in that your love was tenderness and passion, That with your you quieros, who this love is no dead, No longer I want that you want to me, although you swear that you want to me, Although you come and you cry to me, no longer I want that you want to me, Pierdete, alejate you come you speak and you complain to you, You hurt to me and you leave me, And it fills to me of rage to know that was a game, Of weekend and soon adioooos