(He's the bubblegum bandit) He stands knee high tall with the western draw he got fun watchin' TV He rides a broomstick horse and has an endless source Of slyin' little tricks off his sleevy He's the bubblegum (bubblegum bubblegum) bubblegum bandit (bubblegum bandit) When the little girls kiss him he can't stand it Ah he's a rootin' tootin' candy lootin' quick on the draw capgun shootin' He's the bubblegum bandit He's got pocket full of trash and a little milk moustache freckles on a dirty face He leaves toys on the floor and on the walls and doors He leaves little fingerprint traces He's the bubblegum (bubblegum bubblegum)... [ piano ] (He's the bubblegum bandit) He's got rooses and scratches little britches with patches boots with spurs so shany And it stick 'em up mack put the loot in the sack in a voice so tough and whiny He's the bubblegum (bubblegum bubblegum)... Bandit he's the bubblegum bandit