Abandoned in myrrh, your hands the spill, river's eye, milk & branch flowers edge screens bellies shine ready. There is nothing simple about an eyelid or the incessant thump of the distance. As if it was ever that simple. Apprehension. Arrival. A dubious price. And who is right if we are ruined among wires of scarlet, & a grip powerful in the cut of the day. Those chains of eyes by the fence do not distinguish differences spices, lips, honey & salt while sweeter languages behave as if this was a garden as if this was spring. Is it too late to correct our imperfections with passion? Is freedom in our way are storms enough, & torrents? All feeling has been pulled at surface into pressures of dawn an extremity - pleasure & anger. Outlines of roofs delineate cliffs should I decide to go here rather than trace sweat patterns that translate us more than this simple economy the voice of my beloved. It demolishes me, scales me is part of the support, wall & window my ascension over low winter where rain exceeds us where flowers paper the earth.