Awake with me, embrace the difficulty of opening - questions, projections - we learn what we are. Our wine has a savour - form in its recall limbs & reverse of bodies, remainders a day's accounts, costs that add up between women. Our fluency blossoms into shape angled in light's flash, rouge smears of the real though day be cloudy, details written over intimate vapour. Everything touches what is changing dreamed as a song or scene. This is our movement together, in gravity which is not simple under the air - breathe of grass, feather, dapples, scars. An ardent geography works us paragraphs of longing throated gold. Our sides gleam flecked with night's candour. We are beloved, equitable, lucky as is our bed, green in shelter valleys & shades wake us. I know this place longing for the other place, that speaks out to the edge. Uncertain love geeks, we hack into each other's codes while day splits our paths along days of love traffic flagrant afterwards, depending on hope & tact in difficult times. If we were trees, we could burn in air hot eloquent flowers. Or learn to be animal translation from estrangement. voicing this art of clefts as we surmount irony & supply candy rather than worry through causes of flavour and play among rapid vixens which render us unto exhaustion till the breach of day.