The center of his mask popped out and revealed who he is It only complicates his mess, his mess He traveled by bus today, just to face the passengers And stand and say, I only try to be my best, my best Please follow me, with your mirror in hand Be who you are, and think out loud I am very proud be who you are The center of his mask now lies in a bucket made for trash It only complicates his mess, his mess He walked the aisle again Looked at the driver and smiled again I only try be my best, my best Please follow me, with your mirror in hand Be who you are, and think out loud I am very proud Be who you are Be who you are The bus driver winked and said They call me blind, but my name is fred It only complicates his mess, his mess He said Fred dont you cry For I will drive this bus with my eyes Until this mask is off your chest, your chest Please follow me, with your mirror in hand Be who you are, and think out loud I am very proud Be who you are Be who you are Be who you are Be who you are