Long-gone john found a way, found a way: Ah, one straight bullet, and hell to pay, Gold-tooth fred is earning his bread selling beth, though she'll soon be dead. Struck by light, but love is out of sight Cold, black night Don't ask for wrong or right where man rules Switchblade sonny got away with the money Ninety-eight stabs and so hilarious, funny Struck by light, but love is out of sight Cold, black night Don't ask for wrong or right where man rules Oh, it's gonna take some time to find it Walk a mile, stumble two Find the truth to melt and grind it You got to hold tight, keep it clean Defend your life with all your might God in flesh upon the cross Now, what's your gain, and what's the loss? Oh yeah Oh, ow Yeah Oh yeah, ow Sliver-head sally and her double-edged tongue, cutting pieces out of everyone Little-cheered tess, she couldn't care less Yeah, she spit in the eye of the waiting press Struck by light, but love is out of sight Cold, black night Don't ask for wrong or right where man rules. Yeah