


Living for a precious purpose 
worshiping despotic history 
believing in utopia 
sacred words sacred validities 

Destructing all unsuitables 
making Aushwitz of the peace 
no release from hell on earth 
freedom is a fucking mind disease 

Big brothers above our heads 
Orwell was an optimist 
never rest for our dead 
our god is bloody socialist 

Stupid cops on every step 
armed soldiers on the street 
carrying 'bout our mental health 
cleaning out our mental shit 

Tanks are squeezing ripping bodies 
spilling blood on demonstration 
revolution eats its children 
while they scream for liberation 

Big brothers above our heads 
Orwell was an optimist 
never rest for our dead 
our god is bloody socialist 

Society on top of freedom 
sense of humor deadly wise 
with a walls on the borders 
no escape from socialistic paradise 

Big brothers above our heads 
Orwell was an optimist 
never rest for our dead 
our god is bloody socialist