It all went down just as planned 
The kingdom of darkness had brought down the man 
The savior of the world, betrayed by the kiss of a friend 
They beat him down, they nailed him up 
The doctors and teachers had all heard enough 
The man had done no wrong and nothing deserving of death 

They sealed him in the tomb that day 
And thought that all was done 
It rocked the very gates of hell when the father called his son 

He rose up in the early light and stepped out from the grave 
The scars of death upon him now everything has changed 
The one hold that the devil had and every man would face 
Was pulled down in front of him through Christ we now are saved 

Was once lost -now we are found in Christ and now we are saved 
Was once blind-and now we see in Christ and now we are saved 
Was once dead- now we're alive in Christ and now we are saved 
Forgiven and now accepted by God forever we're saved 

The evil day is upon us the hearts of man will fail 
The word of God is within you - the righteous will prevail