Jesus Joshua 24:15

Rapture Drill

Jesus Joshua 24:15

I heard about a place they call the upper room 
And all who gather in believe that God is comming soon 
So they come together often in one mind and one accord 
To practice for the coming of the Lord 
I believe it's true I know He's coming back for me 
And when I heard about this place I had to go and see 
You know I long to be with Jesus everyday I need him more 
So I ran right down and I walked right through the door 
I saw people everywhere jumping up and down 
Shouting glory to the Lord 
Much anticipation for what is yet to come 
Sending out an invitation to the world 
Rapture Drill 
I don't belong, and when I'm gone, I'm moving on to better things 
This old world can't keep me down - I'm going to meet my King 
At the sweet sound of the trumpet I'll be there 
Gone to meet my savior in the air 
I'm living free... I'm living clean... I'm a lean mean prayer machine 
Why does your head hang low with a teardrop in your eye 
Lift your head look up for your redemption draweth nigh 
Oh the rock of our salvation is alive and He is true 
He said I go to make a place and I will come for you 
But the time of My return is not for you to know 
Do the work I gave you until it's time to go 
Behold I will come quickly your reward is in My hand 
And I will give accordingly to the work of every man 
Behold I will come quickly 
Are you ready for the coming of the Lord