Jesus Joshua 24:15

Little Saint

Jesus Joshua 24:15

I recall when I was just eight-teen 
Nothing to do one night, so I went to church with a friend of mine 
And that's when I saw the light 
A power was there like I'd never known 
Moved me right out of my seat, I could feel His blood washing 
Over me the night I was made complete 
I was born again, turned away from sin 
No longer could I do the things I used to do 
Then people started talking 
Never making trouble, playing life straight 
Always keeping under control 
You're such a little saint 
I knew I couldn't let them get to me 
The things my friends would say 
At times it seemed so much to take and too hard for me to stay 
I held on, stayed in the world, stood tall down on my knees 
Never forgetting the words I read of hope and security 
And I learned all the while these firey trials 
Are to test your faith can you endure when the rumors fly 
Never making trouble, playing life straight 
Always keeping under control 
Got no time for running, heaven won't wait 
Always on a mission from God you're such a little saint 
It ain't easy being a light in a world of darkness 
Day after day getting hit from every side and still we carry on 
With hope in the name of love