Rapidfire from the mountaintops Craters from the moon; Pulling flowers to the temple Everybody goes Lay 'em flat against the faces of the children you love. Architecture from the ground up Blocking out the Sun* All below it seem confused about the problem Overruling any mass* interpretation of the solace above. Little Coco is queen You heed her beck and her call And when she fusses and screams You clean her messes and all You go behind her as she's Just tryin' to move it along And I'm not sure if she knows The fact she's ruling at all. The Lord knows that the planet's gon' continue to twirl And every human under pressure's gon' continue to quarrel His bride* will never be queen Until we save the girl I'm here to save the world My Plot to Save the World. Little stain on the carpet makes your mama weep Suicide bomber on the city streets She doesn't blink Reaching for the "Quick and Brite" the Billy Mays has told her to buy Wheels turning on a paramount Outdated drive in a landfill till the end of time While the city schools Can't afford the instruments for children to try You see my face on the screen You see my name on the wall You hear my lyrics and beats I got my name on 'em all It's not important of course Looks like we're having a ball Because you did not get the memo it don't matter at all The Lord knows that the planet's gon' continue to twirl And every human under pressure's gon' continue to quarrel His bride* will never be queen Until we save the girl I'm here to save the world My Plot to Save the World. There will never be peace. (Until) King Cometh.