Sleep is deep but full of haunted dreams I thank God not all of them came true Dreams that thin my will Ones that break the bridge that leads to you I forgot the sky was bright and blue Bursting through the swollen clouds, I see it now, I see it now I trudge through trails and twists Deciding to relax my blistered fists So I drop my bags and look upon the road I came here on And rest my calloused feet and fevered limbs And in the sun I recognize, the road ahead is really not so long But I might need some help to find my second wind Hope is the fierce fire in your eyes Fury of belief, well, it inspires me. Blow into the suffocated embers of my heart Ignite my heart So how do I explain the way these blessings overflow My rags are in the laundry and my cup is getting full You brought me through the crossroads When I thought I had no friends And propped me up to find my second wind A song is on my lips and now it’s time to sing again And breath in deep, I found my second wind My second wind