People are listening, but very few will understand 'cause it wont be easy, to reach the promised land life is easy and established, We don't want it to be changed But still we have to put this question is this the life that He arranged. Chorus: Time's passing by, but you don't seem to care as long as you are alright in your selfcentred world what if your life is wrong what if Jesus is right. Some do like the music, some do not at all But will the message be better, if we play the waltz We are all so very different not cast in the same mould No, we are all a work of art from the masterhand of God. You're so pleased and contented, life is like a bed of roses But has Christian lost his ember, fed of welfare in big doses No, you waste no tears in vain for the lost humanity Now it's time to start the action talking now is vanity. Chorus: Time's passing by, yes it is running out 'cause with arms that are folded nothing will be accomplished start reacting my friend what if Jesus is right.