Jersey Dogs

Why Is

Jersey Dogs

People in the streets 
Fighting for what they all believe 
They don't care that what they spread 
Is nothing but disease 
Racial fighting because we all 
Don't look and think the same 
Prejudice is not a joke 
Or just a silly game 

Why is, there so much hatred between all mankind 
Why is, there so much prejudice that we seem to find 

Has no religion, color, race or creed 
We are all just people 
If we cut, we all bleed 
No one has the right 
To judge or even cast a mark 
Our prejudice will self-destruct 
And leave us in the dark 

Why is, there so much hatred between all mankind 
Why is, there so much prejudice that we seem to find 

He's black 
He's white 
Don't see why that's cause to fight 
We're sorting out the human race 
Because we all don't have the same face 
I see 
Our fate 
Children growing up to hate 
Teaching them to hate each other 
Because of race or creed or color 

Our god 
His name 
Might not always be the same 
I thought God was a God of mercy 
Not a God of greed and hate 
The hate 
We taste 
Will slap us all back in the face 
Because violence doesn't solve a thing 
It only kills the ones who use it 

Why is there hatred 
For other men who are not all the same 
How can this happen 
Bearing its mark on the world is a shame 

Who are they fooling 
Everyone thinks that their race is the best 
One day they'll realize 
That they are just all made like the rest 
Why is there racists 
Polluting the minds of the world with their shit 
Saying they're saviors 
Forcing humanity to quit 

Why is