You are merciful and mighty You are high and lifted up Draw all men to You, draw all men to You You are Lord over the harvest You are high and lifted up Draw all men to You, draw all men to You Upon the cross Your Son bore all man's shame A spotless Lamb His blood then made a way To You oh God let all men call upon Your name May the Lamb that was slain Receive the rewards of His suffering May the Lamb that was slain Have a soul placed in His crown You are merciful and mighty You are crowned with many crowns Draw all men to You, draw all men to You You are Lord over the harvest and Your fields are white with souls Draw all men to You, draw all men to You You are high and lifted up, draw all men to You You are high and lifted up, draw all men to You To the Lamb that was slain be glory To the Lamb that was slain be honor To the Lamb that was slain be power To the Lamb that was slain.