"Ah... punk by numbers oh no nothing's for free ah... punk by numbers oh yeah check out the cheap scenery!" The manager: "So you want to play the game? well, here's an upstart for you yes, and his aim is true and when the people arrive give them what they want 'cause they want his life!" The crowd: "I believe in you. I believe in what you do!" "Ah... punk by numbers oh no nothing's for free ah... punk by numbers oh yeah livin' for the cheap scenery!" The manager: "Hey, now don't look so surprised, 'cause we've been watching you and we know just what you like! and when the people stand and cheer, who do you think will be the last one laughing here?" The crowd: "I believe in you. I believe in what you do! I believe in you. I believe in what you do!" "Ah... punk by numbers oh no nothing's for free ah... punk by numbers oh yeah check out the cheap scenery!" ... punk by numbers, oh no nothings for free!