i sit here and question why my God loves me though i have never done a good thing, or a righteous deed and though i'm rich, i claim that i'm poor crying over earthly things i know i can't afford but He who died is greater than these i should be thankful, praying on my knees crying Alpha and Omega Prince of Peace o, my King of Kings the Great I Am, Jehovah Jireh who cares for me the Holy One, the Holy Father of the Blessed Trinity All Consuming Fire burn in me now i never claimed to be anymore than i am any more than i seem in fact i bill myself so much less than i am so much less than He sees so may i hold out with an open hand this frail life of mine and pray that You can make it stand most Holy God it's all i need to say that i'm thankful i can believe in the Alpha and Omega Prince of Peace o, my King of Kings the Great I Am, Jehovah Jireh who cares for me the Holy One, the Holy Father of the Blessed Trinity All Consuming Fire burn in me