Stoop stoop, stoobie doobie do Stoop stoop, stoobie doobie do Stoop stoop, stoobie doobie doobie do So you're falling down on your face You don't know where to go now From this place Falling down to your knees Crying out help me please CHORUS: Stand up and rise again Don't let no-one hold ya down Stand up and Rise again Put your feet back on the ground CHAT CHORUS: Listen me youth Say me want you put ya hand up, hand up This ah di truth And it's time for you fe stand up, stand up (REPEAT) You see the same One that birthed Isaac from a barren womb Is the same One that brought Lazarus from the tomb And the same One that has the mighty power to save is the same One that raised from the grave (CHORUS) …you know we got to keep on pressing on (STOOP) When I was weak you made me strong You give me strength to carry on When I was losing hope You were always there When I fall down you pick me up When I was empty filled my cup When I was down and out You were always there (CHORUS) (CHAT CHORUS) Get up, stand up and rise to the occasion He'll get you through all of these diverse situations Get up, stand up and rise to the cause And don't you ever stop fighting for the Lord! (STOOP) (CHORUS) I'll give what I can just to help my fellow man And I'll give all I've got just to bring them to the cross You see the same One that put flesh upon the dry bones Is the same One that welcomed the prodigal home And the same One that has the mighty power to save Is the same One that raised from the grave! (CHORUS) (STOOP)