Good morning brethren, I wanna um I just wanna give you a little word this morning This is, it's something' written by somebody anonymous So all glory be to God Be not afraid, health & wealth are coming to you My wealth which is sufficiency for your needs And for my work you long to do Money as some call wealth, to store up or display You know that is not for my disciples Journey through this world simply seeking the means to do my will & work Never keep anything you are not using Remember all I give you will be mine, only given to you to use Could you think of me hoarding my treasures? You must never do it Rely on me To store for the future is to fear & to doubt me Check every doubt of me at once Live in the joy of my constant presence Yield every single moment to me Perform every Task, however humble, as at my gentle bidding And for me, for love of me So live, so love, so work You are the apostles of the little services