It flew in as fear it flew in as rain disguised as a dream in a suit grey and plain at the end of a rainbow in all he could hold in the taste of her tears as they salted the road in the sounds in the stations built from iron so grand the long lonesome death of the traveling man was it you on my arm like a tattoo carved in your strawberry curls against my black leather grin in a love going nowhere but right here and now on a carousel horse with this life as your shroud you kissed me one time passed me the moment at hand and the long lonesome death of the traveling man here I am standing right in the middle with my head in the west and my mind somewhere east of belief here I ride at the speed of the sound of the lonely holding you looking back holding me holding me now the boats they all lay on the muddy bay floor and wait for the tide to take them from shore as the moon and its pull brings them to stand I feel the weight of my duty slip from my hand feel myself going nowhere as fast as I can feel the long lonesome death of the traveling man