These days people have a hard time smiling, Troublesome times are makin' us feel blue. These days there's a list that I'm compilin,' Writin' down ways of seeing this through I'm gonna step outside into the sunshine, Spot the first daffodil of springtime. I'm gonna put my woes on the back burner Just for now. I'm gonna take a longer look at that blue sky, Inhale the sweetness that's in my life. I'm gonna take this frown and Turn it upside down, and I'm gonna smile I'm gonna smile Oh it feels so good To smile. I'm gonna drink up the beauty of A pastel sunrise, Watch the water glisten in the moonlight. I'm gonna see if I can take these trials in stride I'm gonna revel in the sounds of a jazz quartet, Feast my weary eyes on a luscious sunset. Gonna celebrate the Good things in my life, and I'm gonna smile. I'm gonna smile, Oh it feels so good To smile.