All these changes. All this misery. Movin' in golden cages. To the end of a century. I've been waitin' and waitin' for. A long long time. Waitin' for a sign. There is a better world they say. There is a better world on its way. I don't believe a word of promises being made. All I get is hurt, I wonder why and wait. All these races. All their mysteries. All these desperate faces. Hopin' for a change of scene. They've been waitin' and waitin' for. A long long time. Waitin' for a sign. There is a better world they say. There is a better world on its way. I don't believe a word of promises being made. All I get is hurt, I wonder why and wait. All these races. All their mysteries. I should keep up faith, try not to drift astray. I'm the weakest of us all. The strength that's left is fading away. There is a better world they say. There is a better world on its way. I don't believe a word of promises being made. All I get is hurt, I wonder why and wait. All these races. All their mysteries.