Jay Stocker

I Will Never Leave You (feat. Scripture Lullabies)

Jay Stocker

When your sky is cold and lonely
And your heart is filled with fear
I will wrap My arms around you
Know that I am here
And I will keep you safe and sound
Through the darkness that surrounds

I will never leave you
Nor forsake you
Know that I am with you
You will never be alone

When your way is bright and glowing
And your soul knows no despair
Can you hear Me, singing with you?
In your triumph I will share
For I am watching over you
And I rejoice in all you do

I will never leave you
Nor forsake you
Know that I am with you
You will never be alone

So remember, never doubt this
Hold it tightly to your heart
I'm forever, always with you
I will be right where you are

I will never leave you
Nor forsake you
Know that I am with you
You will never be alone