Jason Becker


Jason Becker

Tom: E

Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 12:37:31 -0700 (MST)
From: Sean Kasun 
Subject: b/becker_jason/*

(there are no lyrics to this song)

Tab by Sean Kasun (*)

This is off his newest album, Perspective.  It's a great album, and
this song has no guitar in it whatsoever.  It's all acapello, but I figured
since we all play guitar, I could tab it out anyways :)

According to the liner notes, the first half was written on the guitar,
however I personally think the second half sounds more guitar oriented..
so I have only tabbed out the second half.

Play this VERY slowly.

First the guy starts arpegiating the followng.  He goes through several
chords, but I haven't taken the time to figure them all out.


After doing that a second time, the main vocal starts in:











Hope you enjoyed this.  I haven't seen any other Becker tabs on OLGA,
but if you know one of his songs, please take the time to write it
out for the rest of us.  Thank you.  :)

-Sean Kasun