Well, it seems like all the kids 'round here are wrapped up with leaving this place. Tony told me from his kitchen on Mesita and he talked about to me about staying. He said, "Man, you see across the street that's the university. you hit a home run and the ball rolls into Juarez. High school juniors leave their cars walk across to the bars you can imagine how it is. and even if we get out, well, we always end up back home to the only place we really know. el paso el paso! Eddie he told me about the kidnapped women what they call "The Disappeared" of drugs and thugs and depressing strip clubs i guess these border towns can be pretty weird. fair enough but on the east side there's a pack of wild dogs called the rippers they chase rabbits in the summer time true story but they can only catch them when their little rabbit hearts quit and melt give out under these cloudless oven skies see them run and they run straight into the sun only to explode you can watch them limp away like boats trying to stay afloat in el paso. el paso! yeah. dusk was hugging the foothills as i drove in the mountains were draped with shadows east of I-10 the first couple stars like light bright pegs like a candle in a colander uh huh my brother telephoned from new york state and he told me about a disastrous date he said i know there's lots of fish in the lake but sometimes it seems like they hibernate and some nights i get so bored i cut my hair other nights i just stand in front of that tall hall mirror and stare until my gaze gets soft and my reflection turns weird and when i think of my life i feel so unprepared he said, "man, how can you live like a tramp out on the road you know bouncing like a tetherball here and there to and fro chasing the highway like a dirty gravel rainbow do you ever get release let alone a pot of gold?" and i said, "dude, chill, remember last summer those books i would read about the history of greece and philosophy well they say maybe when we die there's peace or at least just rest from these tiresome lives we lead and either way, that makes so much sense to me" besides, who cares until they're deceased and the clergy weeps and the family grieves and the tombstone proclaims R. I. P. and they wrench the fillings out of of your poor old teeth and they cover your corpse in a snow white sheet and they hang a tag from your ice cold feet and they pray for your soul over a couple of weeks and they say, he was a pretty, the newspapers say he was a pretty oh they claim he was a pretty good guy and they let the body lie yeah they let the body lie oh they let the body lie yeah they let the body lie. well, everyone must die it's true, but first we get to live don't ever ever forget to live so, i let my cellphone drop low down beneath the driver's seat and i pulled off on the shoulder and stared hard across at mexico at some space station looking refinery there was a puff of smoke like a dragon's cough off the tops of that factory so me i joked aloud "i wonder if they make clouds?" instead of guns and robots and machinery and i put my foot back on the pedal and i pulled off really slow into the loneliness and the darkness of el paso el paso please say say say el paso and you say, say it again el paso. you say ohhhh. you say ohhhhhhh. you say oh-ohhhhh. you say oh-ohhhhhhh. you say yeahhhhhhhhhh. you say yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh. you say yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. you say yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. yeahhhhhhhhh. ohhhh. whoahhhh. whoahhhhhh. whoahhhhhhhh.