just try you're best in everything just try you're hardest i believe you can do it you can do it) just try to believe in yourself try not to get all upset cause you don't know ohh i try so hard to get people to like me ohh try not toget upset if you do you're not even interested at all dosen't matter if f you dont know cause i don;'t know alot and i always ttry i try not to care about other people i just am me if people don't like me bad luck i'm heere to learn thats all don't need friends all i need is family ohh just try to enjoy just try to understand nobody knows me no body helps me cause i may have a better life then them even they probbaly dont like me cause there not happy with themselves ohH! i have a life don't need a nother ooooooooo my child hood is so great my mother tteachs me so much my inside is so intellgent just try to believe you can do i stop complaing just be strong put trustin yourself you can not know but just try to learn its very easy i know!