I'm scared to feel left alone The day i start high school I hope i have lots of conferdent I hope that i'll be able to handle The people i see and hate... I'm scared that i'll get lost I'm scared i'll be in a way so Confused and sick... I'm scared to be afraid I'm scared that i'll be a little show off And lose friends the first day imake friends So many people i'll miss though From going backwards to the beginning Of my future i'm scared something will happening The day i start my new change... it's all a matter to me It's something that i may need for future I'm so scared i'll lose my strength.. I'm scared people'll will hate me And judge me before they know me I'm scared to be left alone The day i begin so many things I'm scared off i just want people To give me chances i know i can be Anoyying for them i know ican be silly.. And too perfect..