Living in a world with no pain- Putting my hand on the black bored Dusting off the grin you gave to me Renewing the looks on my face Now singing in the rain and now Living in a world with no pain I put the lid on the bottle Now sending the letter away off To the other side of the ocean Blue ohhh Putting my hand on the black bored Dusting off the grin you gave to me Renewing the looks on my face Now singing in the rain And now living in a world with no pain I stood in a line for hours Just to met you now have come to the end Of the way there' i'm feeling a little lost But still i can make it i think Sometimes i feel like sealing your lips With sticky tape can't keep recking Everything i see around here'' Putting my hand on the black bored Dusting off the grin you gave to me Renewing the looks on my face Now singing in the rain And now living in a world with no pain