A man unwavering Silence deafening sometimes Your demons do not hide They've walked right by your side Your whole life I thought I always knew I am not like you If I'll have a child I will raise him right I'll do things differently, I will never be A stranger to my son, a father to no one The seasons come and go The raindrops turn to snow Snow will melt away What's green will turn to grey The day will turn to night The shadow into light Aeons disappear But I am still right here The last one of my kind Relentless in my pride Unable to hold on Unable to move on I guess I am afraid I'm bound into his fate When all is said and done Am I my father's son? A man unwavering Silence deafening sometimes My demons do not hide They've walked right by my side My whole life I thought I always knew I am not like you If I'd have a child I would raise him right I'd do things differently, I would never be A stranger to my son, a father to no one The seasons come and go The raindrops turn to snow Snow will melt away What's green will turn to grey The day will turn to night The shadow into light Aeons disappear But I am still right here The last one of my kind Relentless in my pride Unable to hold on Unable to move on I guess I am afraid I'm bound into his fate When all is said and done I am my father's son Like you I'll walk alone Like you I'll dream alone Like you I'll be alone All you were I'll be too Is this the role I was given? Is this the part I must play? Is this the life I have chosen? Or did you choose it for me? For you You were there when I came to be Now I am here watching you go Is yours the road I must follow? Am I a man of my own? Softly, so gently you're breathing But slowly, so slowly you're leaving Forgive me as I do forgive you Forgive me as I will forgive you There's nothing more to say But words beneath my name Now all is said and done He was his father's son