Pretty little boy with the funny little grin And the Reybands hanging low Bet his bluegreen eyes could make a good girl sin Hey, not that I would know Probably owns a polo, in every single color of the rainbow But you add a little edge take the visor off his head Add a john deer cap to go With some Levi jeans and some other little things Like a truck to take off-road Ya we're getting close, already lookin' good from head to toe And the cherry on top, just add little southern draw, y'all CHORUS Sometimes I let my imagination get the best of me but this time I think I'm onto something, I can already see he's got all the essentials, ya that boys got potential I can see it all now, got his hands on the plow going up and down the rows When it gets a little hot, no need to stop, spray him down with the garden hose Somebody wake me up, it's crazy but I'd sure like to know Ya them Sperries sure are cute, but how would he look in some cowboy boots CHORUS A Ferrari's faster than a tractor, on this we all agree But a suped up tractor's what I'm after, that's the boy for me CHORUS